Shark Bait Socials Logo Image Square


We are live!

Well….this is exciting!

Shark Bait Socials is the new home for extreme adventure storyteller Barry Hayes (that’s me)!

At this stage it’s nothing more than a place to find out how to get in touch, with a bit of background and some nice words from happy customers. But over time I’ll add more content; helpful people to check out, ideas and best practices, etc. 

I also plan to write some white papers (or should that be Great White Papers 🤔) to outline research I’ve done into relevant areas (e.g. comms hardware, messenger service comparisons, etc). They’ll be free and written purely to support adventurers with getting their amazing story told in as rich a way as possible.

And why ‘Shark Bait Socials’? Well, when I’ve rowed oceans in the past, my long suffering fiancé Emma refers to me as Shark Bait. Now that Shark Bait is doing people’s Socials – Shark Bait Socials seems to fit! Also, I have the brain of a 12 year old boy! 😂

For now, if you know my work and enjoy it – help me spread the word about Shark Bait Socials!!